2015년 6월 7일 일요일

Sueyon Yang, Artist

Sueyon Yang(寧天 梁水演)
- Artist
1988   Born in Seoul, Korea
2007   Graduated Seoul Arts High School
2011   Graduated BFA course in Oriental Painting Dep., Seoul National University
2014   Graduated MFA course in Oriental Painting Dep., Seoul National University
<Solo Exhibition>
2013   'In the Woods of Eternity', SNU Woosuk Hall, Seoul
2012  'Eternity', World venture Gallery, Seoul
<Group Exhibition>
2014  5th Gwanak Calligraphy Exhibition - '다섯번째 낙묵', SNU University Cultural Center, Seoul
2013   Seoul National University Graduation Exhibition(MFA), Seoul Nat'l Univ. Museum of Arts, 
          三國G(Union Exhibition with SNU, Tokyo Univ. of Arts, Stuttgart Kunst Academy), Stuttgart
            Kunst Academy,Germany
          'Art - The Eternal Light' - Seoul Arts High School 60th Anniversary Exhibition, Seoul Arts
            Center Hangaram Art Museum, Seoul
          Between Mu(無, nothing) and Mu(茂, plentiful), Chuhwa Gallery, Japan
2012  Open Studio, Seoul Nat'l Univ. Fine Arts Department 50-106, Seoul
          3rd Gwanak Calligraphy Exhibition(冠岳士文字同行展), SNU University Cultural Center,
          'The Relay, Two-person Exhibition', SNU Space 50, Seoul
          'Tripod'- Union Exhibition with SNU, Chungang Univ., SungShin Women's Univ., Chunang
            Univ. Art Center, Seoul 
          '21/∞', Gallery Bunam, Seoul      
2011  Union Exhibition with SNU, Chungang Univ., SungShin Women's Univ., SNU Space 599,
          2nd Gwanak Calligraphy Exhibition(冠岳士文字同行展), Woosuk Hall, SNU University
            Cultural Center, Seoul
          'ASYAAF(Asian Students and Young Artists Art Festival)', Hongik Univ. Hongik Museum of
            Art, Seoul
          '50106', SNU Space 599, Seoul
          '87474', SNU Space 599, Seoul
2010  Seoul National University Graduation Exhibition(BFA), SNU Fine Arts Department, Seoul
          1st Gwanak Calligraphy Exhibition(冠岳士文字同行展), Woosuk Hall, Seoul
2006  The United States - Scholastic Art & Writing Awards, Gold Award

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